• Analog Custom Design & Analysis Examples

    Analog Custom Design & Analysis Examples

001_op_solver : OP Solver use

Requires: SmartSpice & Smartview

Minimum Versions: SMARTSPICE 3.16.12.R

SmartSpice has the capability to set the different solvers for two phases of the transient analysis - DC operation point calculation and Transient analysis itself. In some cases this option helps to reduce the time of DC operation point calculation.

1. Run the simulation input deck ram2k_OPsolverSPEEDS.in in SmartSpice. This testcase shows how user can set the different solvers for the DC operation point (opsolver=speeds) and transient (solver=xms) analyses.


.options opsolver=speeds solver=xms

2. During simulation SmartSpice prints out the next warning:

Warning: OPsolver : Solver has been changed from SPEEDS to XMS

These options are required if it's necessary to set different solvers for two phases of the transient analysis - DC operation point calculation and Transient analysis itself. For full description, read the SmartSpice User's manual vol.1 page 9-3. In some cases this option helps to reduce the time of DC operation point calculation.

This testcase shows how user can set the different solvers for DC operation point (opsolver=speeds) and transient (solver=xms) analyses.

Statement: .options opsolver=speeds solver=xms

Output: During simulation SmartSpice prints out the next warning:

Warning: OPsolver : Solver has been changed from SPEEDS to XMS

Details can be found in the SmartSpice User's Manual Vol. 1 Chapter 9 page 9-3

The input deck is a SPICE file ....................

Input Files
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